November 3, 2009

A pebble for your thoughts

I always love discovering new and creative people, so today I'm happy to have stumbled upon Jo Luping. Hailing from New Zealand she has taken inspiration from the mecca of ceramics - Parc Guell, Barcelona - and created a ceramics business. She is very in-tune with nature and it is a recurring theme in her pieces.

{Blossom pebble necklace}
I am particularly taken by the ceramic jewellery. Inspired by smooth pebbles picked up at the beach, the range incudes plain pebbles in cool, natural colours or (as shown above) printed with a pattern. I really like the blossom range.

{Blossom pendant}
 There is also a range of ceramic bowls with similar patterns, so you can coordinate your house and yourself!

 {Blossom Medium Bowl}
I think the design simplicity and organic shapes create a really calm feel to the pieces. The Japanese woodcut inspiration is very evident don't you think. It reminds me a little of Samantha Robinson's pieces that I am so in love with! There is also a lovely side business JLD Haus, where new designers can get some exposure for their own work through the Jo Luping Design business.
Pop on over the the Jo Luping Design website and explore for yourself.
{All images from Jo Luping Designs}

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